The Orchestra's soloist
People's Artist of Russia
He was born in Voroshilovgrad in the family of musicians. He came to Moscow to receive his musical education in the Russian music academy named after the Gnesins at Prof. A.A.Fedotov's class. Even when a student he was recognized by his colleagues as a brilliant performer: he was awarded the first prize at the First All-Russian Contest of wood-wind instruments in 1983 and the second prize at All-Union Contest of wood-wind instruments in 1987.
Vladimir Permyakov developed and improved the skills of playing ensemble, which are indispensable for a good musician, when he performed in the chamber brass orchestra “Classic Ensemble”, and he came to the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra of Vladimir Fedoseyev as a mature performer of music. For over ten years in the Orchestra he has been demonstrating high performing mastery playing both in the orchestra and as a soloist. He performed compositions of both classical clarinet repertoire and of outstanding Russian compesers of the 2oth century such as B.Tchaikovsky, M.Vainberg and A.Eshpai.
Audiences in France, Japan and many Russian cities have enjoyed listening to Vladimir Permyakov's solo performances