Press archive. Saison 2007-2008

The Gospel from Hector

Listening this time “L’Enfance du Christ” alive it was difficult to reconcile with the fact that this oratorio was for Berlioz only a chance to show, that he is able to compose in a manner not similar to himself…

Vladimir Fedoseyev. 50 years at the conductor’s stand

This concert season the artistic director and principal conductor of the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, People’s Artist of USSR, Laureate of the State Award of USSR and Glinka’s State Award of the Russian Federation is celebrating the 50-th anniversary of his conducting career.

La grandiose fresque musicale de l’Orchestre Tchaïkovsky de Moscou

Evenement au Festival d'art russe: sur le plateau du théâtre Debussy, l'orchestre Tchaïkovski de Moscou, puissante formation symphonique d'élite capable des nuances les plus inouïes.


Yesterday was a day of Switzerland in Russia and Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Vladimir Fedoseye, held a concert under the name “Russia–Switzerland”.

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