The Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, Music Director and Chief Conductor Vladimir Fedoseyev, holds the action “WAY TO MERCY” in support of the Central Clinical Hospital named after Saint Alexei, Moscow Metropolitan. Vladimir Fedoseyev is a member of the Tutorial Hospital Council, headed by the Holy Patriarch Alexiy II of Moscow and all Russia.

What is the church hospital? It is the hospital where foremost – suffering people and the main principle of work – a combination of high professionalism and mercy.

According to the Moscow government’s resolution in July 2005 the Central Clinical Hospital was completely handed down to the Orthodox Church.

In the hospital not only Muscovites are cured. Among the patients there are poor and rich, professors, pensioners and homeless persons, people of different nationalities and religions. The stationary help in the hospital is rendered gratis.

Nowadays the hospital faces a lot of troubles. At the expenses of the governmental financing and medical insurance the hospital manages to cover only a part of the most necessary charges. A part of charges is paid by the Church. But these resources are insufficient to solve all the problems of the hospital. The principal equipment in the hospital wasn’t renewed more than 15 years. The hospital buildings were constructed more than 100 years ago and need major repairs.

Before the revolution the great number of hospitals was built at the expenses of Maecenas. The hospital of Saint Alexiy was built in 1903 at the private expenses of merchants Medvednikovy and for that moment it was equipped in the best way. Today benefactors have an opportunity:

n to trustee to a separate building or department

n to finance one or several ward

n to pay for medical treatment of a concrete patient

The Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra held a series of charitable concerts transferred earned funds on the hospital’s account. The orchestra invites for every concert the doctors, nurses and another staff of the hospital. The orchestra’s performances take place in the hospital’s territory.

The action “Way to mercy” is continued.

If you wish to help the church hospital, please see below our contacts:

Chief doctor – Bogdanova Ekaterina: 952-49-41

Director – Doronkin Valery: 237-60-49; 8-903-36-38-813
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